Discover a new world of R&D tax incentives for your SME.

We'll help you get the tax relief you deserve for your innovation.

Every year more than 60,000 UK companies successfully claim upwards of £5 billion worth of R&D Tax Credits.

Your business can receive up to 33% of your R&D costs in tax credits.

At Discovery R&D, we're here to help your business become one of them.

About Us

R&D tax advice with a smile.

Our shared purpose is to inspire and incentivise innovation.

As you'd expect, as R&D tax specialists we know a thing or two about supporting our clients to navigate HMRC R&D incentives, submit successful applications and get what they deserve for their creativity and hard work.

But it's the inspiration that we provide our client partners to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible that sets us apart.

Our approach is to build long-standing relationships with our clients, so we can really get to grips with their business strategies and models. By doing this we can guide our client's innovations, help direct their investment into the right projects and get them hard-earned tax relief for their entrepreneurial endeavours.

We make the sometimes complex task of accessing tax incentives super simple for our clients. Transforming our client's frowns into smiles and ideas into incentives.

So, discover a whole new world of tax-friendly innovation with us.

What is R&D tax relief?

Research and Development (R&D) reliefs support companies thatwork on innovative projects in science and technology. It can be claimed by a range of companies that seek to research or develop an advance in their field. It can even be claimed on unsuccessful projects.

The project must relate to your company's trade. This can be either an existing one, or one that you intend to start up based on the results of the R&D.

To get R&D relief your business needs to explain how a project:

  • Looked for an advance in science and technology
  • Had to overcome uncertainty
  • Tried to overcome this uncertainty
  • Could not be easily worked out by a professional in the field

Your project may research or develop a new process, product or service or improve on an existing one.

At Discovery we're here to help you through the process of exploring, applying and claiming tax relief for your research and development activities.

What spend qualifies?

Successful claims reduce corporation tax or provide cash back for prior years if your business is loss-making. Up to two previous financial years can be claimed for, and your SME can claim tax relief on the following expenditure.

Gross Relevant Directors Costs

Staff salary, pension contributions and national insurance contribution

Up to 65% of subcontractor costs

Consumables and materials


Utility Share

Software Development


If you run a profitable SME

For a profitable SME an R&D claim reduces profits chargeable to corporation tax for the period, by the amount of the additional deduction.

If your SME is currently loss making

If your SME makes a loss in the year in which qualifying R&D expenditure is incurred, the SME can surrender this loss in return for a cash repayment at a rate of 14.5%.

What we do

We're here to help you claim the tax credits you deserve for your creativity and innovation. Here's how, in three simple steps.

1) Claim Assessment

We'll help you identify what activities and spend qualify for HMRC tax credits. Just tell us how you've been innovating and we'll let you know what you can claim tax relief on.

2) Application Management

Once we know you've undertaken activities that qualify for R&D tax relief, we'll manage the application process from end to end on your behalf. From the information we gather from you, our team of R&D specialists will create an R&D tax credit report. This is a highly technical report that will meet HMRC's criteria and contains all the calculations to quantify your claim.

All you need to do is sit back and relax.

3) HMRC Enquiry Support

After a successful claim, some businesses will receive a letter from HMRC informing them that they are conducting a compliance check into one of your previous R&D tax credit claims. At this stage, this is simply an enquiry. However, we recommend taking steps to protect your business and facilitate the best possible outcome at enquiry stage.

Why choose Discovery R&D?

Here are a few good reasons why we think we make a good match for your business if you're considering claiming tax incentives for your R&D activities.

We're SME experts. This means we specialise in helping hardworking and creative business owners just like you to access the tax relief they deserve.

Unlike bigger firms, we'll always appoint a senior advisor or director to personally manage your application, so you get access to the right expertise when you need it.

We know you're busy, so we'll manage the entire process of claiming tax credits from start to finish. We do the work, so you don't have to.

Friendly, easy-to-work-with team that holds over 90+ years combined experience in tax and tax credits.

Ready to discover tax credits with us?

Get in touch today and we'll help you to get the incentives you deserve for your innovation. +44 (0) 203 1464 003

67 Westow St, London, SE19 3RW